Chip Tuning Links and Glossaries

Chip Tuning Links and Glossaries
Link Description
Original ECU Files Collection of original ECU firmware files for Alfa, Audi, BMW, Citroen, Opel, Peugeot, Seat, Skoda, Volvo, Volkswagen.
Original ECU Firmware Collection of original firmware for Toyota, BMW MS43, Ford, Kia, Hyundai, Lexus, Renault, Chevrolet, Daewoo, Suzuki.
ECU Original Files Public contributed database of original files for Fiat, Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Audi, Lancia.
VAG Original SGO Files Collection of original ECU firmware and SGO files for Audi, Bentley, Seat, Skoda, VW.
AUDI VAG Collection User: guest, Password: guest. AUDI VAG firmware and utilities are provided free for personal use only.
VAG Software Search Search for a list of VAG different software versions and software numbers that were available for the ECU controller.
BMW Editors Free BMW Software CAS editor, MSV80 Reset, ECU ISN, working hours reset, etc.
Ford Software Collection of calibration files and software programs for Ford ELMConfig, FORScan, ELM327 Treiber, AsBuilt Explorer, ELM-FF2, etc.
Vehicle Tuning Guides Engine and Transmission Vehicle Tuning Guides for for BMW, Ford, Honda Civic, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, Scion, Volkswagen and Audi.
EDC Maps Finder Online analyzer of EDC ECU files to find most popular ECU maps for engine tuning, calculator of power and torque.
RomRaider ECU Editor Free tuning suite created for viewing, logging and tuning of modern Subaru ECUs, BMW M3 (MS41/42/43) DME and Nissan.
PCM Flash Software PCM Flash Software, Bosch ECU Database, EGPT Pinout Tool and free ECU Chip Tuning programs download.
BMW Software BMW Software Collection, ADS, Coding Tool, DIS, INPA, SP Daten, TIS.
ECU Software ECU Software Collection, WinOLS, DAMOS, ECM Titanium, Remapping Guides, Video Guides, ECU Firmware Files.
ECU Synchronizaion Check, restore and synchronization the data of the control units, read immo data and more.
ECU Pinouts Free database with ECU connection diagrams and pinouts for Electronic Control Units.
Bosch Database Official Bosch ECU Database Search by Bosch no. ex. 0 261 XXX - gasoline engine, 0 281 XXX - diesel engine.
Bosch ECU Database Bosch ECU Database Search by Bosch no. ex. 0 261 XXX - gasoline engine, 0 281 XXX - diesel engine.
Radio Code Calculators Free car radio code calculators, code seekers, only from dump.
Fob Programming Automotive keyless entry remote fob and smart key programming procedures allow you to program the key fob by yourself.
Key Programming Free Automotive keyless entry remote fob and smart key programming procedures allow you to program the key fob yourself for free.
Ford VBF Collection A collection of original VBF files saved from Ford's servers.
Ford Calibrations Ford Focus II, C-Max I, Kuga I Powertrain Calibration Files.
Immobilizer Transponders Automotive Keys and Transponder Catalogue, OEM Keys and Remote Control Transmitters. Pin Outs Library and Remote Control Transmitters Programming.
Mitsubishi Config Writer Free Mitsubishi MUT-3 tool MMCodingWriter for manage ECU coding on Mitsubishi vehicles.
Chip Tuning Mod Files Chip Tuning Mod Files for Mitsubishi Evolution, Supra, Subaru, Golf R, Saab.
Ford As-Built Data As-Built Module Build Data for Ford vehicle car modules.
Chilton Library The Library provides quick access to repair, maintenance and service information on cars, trucks, vans and SUVs.
Parts Catalog Look up part numbers for BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Porsche, Saab, Volkswagen, parts are grouped into diagrams and diagrams are grouped into categories and
Parts Catalog & Diagrams Look up part car parts and numbers which are grouped into diagrams & which are also grouped into categories and subcategories.
Parts Catalog (RU) Look up part car parts and numbers which are grouped into diagrams and which are also grouped into categories and subcategories.
Hyundai KIA Manuals (RU) Service documentation, electrical circuits, errors, description and many other useful technical information for KIA and Hyundai.